Country: Tanzania
Location: Shinyanga and Arusha 
Professional Staff provided by our Organization:Prof. Karoli Njau, Evody Ndumiwe, Eng. Leonard Gastory, Nuhu Moto, Frank Njiku
Name of Client:  African Development Bank through the College of Technology and Engineering of the University of Dar es Salaam
Start Date: June 2017  Completion date: October 2018  

Narrative Description of Project:

SNV, Netherlands Development Organization implements a five year SDG WASH programme in Arusha city and Shinyanga municipality which started in 2017 and will run up to 2022. The project aims to sustainably improve access to sanitation, use of sanitation services and improve hygiene behaviors. The programme will contribute to achieving access to safely managed sanitation and improved hygiene behaviour for 200,000 and 160,000 people respectively in peri-urban/urban areas of Shinyanga municipality and Arusha city. It is a multi-country programme that works with municipal governments to develop inclusive, safe and sustainable city-wide sanitation services.

ENVICON was contracted by SNV to conduct Formative Research on Sanitation Emptying Services – Occupational Health and Safety. The aim of the research was to improve the occupational health and safety of emptying services by better understanding the reasons behind current poor practices of septage workers and the existing gaps in service provider’s approaches to limit exposure to the risks and hazards associated with handling sludge. The objectives of research were: To conduct formative research on the behavioural determinants of emptying service workers’ compliance with health and safety standards and use of personal protective equipment, to inform more effective behaviour change, communication messages, strategies, and supporting activities related to safe emptying practices; To assess the current approaches and methods used by emptying operators in motivating and enforcing occupational health and safety standards for their workers and briefly assess the PPE value chain, to inform more effective strategies to promote safe emptying practices

Services Provided by ENVICON:-

  • Conduct  review/analysis of relevant internal and external documents ;
  • Prepare inception report;
  • Develop appropriate tools and methodology for data collection to be used in formative research
  • Carry out field survey for data collection in Sinyanga and Arusha;
  • Prepare  field report highlighting preliminary results of key findings;
  • Compile full report outlining findings and key recommendations/strategies
  • Organize validation workshops for sharing key findings and recommendations;
  • Prepare OHS tools, guidelines and training materials to be used by the programme;
  • Conduct training to selected stakeholders in Shinyanga and Arusha;
  • Prepare workshop reports.