Country: Tanzania

Location: Morogoro, Tanga, Pwani regions and Zanzibar (Fumba and Bwereo).

Professional Staff provided by our Organization:  Prof. K. N. Njau, Evody Ndumiwe, Frank Njiku, Leonard Gastory 
Name of Client:Tanzania  USAID Through University of Rhode Island (URI) Via Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership (TCMP)
Start Date:January  20112  Completion date: October 2014

Narrative Description of Project:

The Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership for Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems (TCMP SUCCESS) Project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support the Government of Tanzania to implement the National Strategies on Integrated Coastal Environment Management, and Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction at national and local levels in selected coastal areas.
At the community-level, the Project supported Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) trainings, constructed ventilated improved pit (VIP) sanitation facilities in five schools, benefitting 8,552 school children (52% girls); improved access to drinking water in four villages; and conserved watersheds through tree planting. Eleven VIP latrines and three rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 22,000, 5,000 and 89,000 liters were built. SUCCESS also provided health centers in Mvomero, Msovero, Dumila, and Bweleo (Zanzibar) with four autoclaves for sterilization of equipment for minor surgeries. Seven village water committees were formed to strengthen local ownership of water resources management, including water supply and sanitation services. 

Services Provided by ENVICON:-

  • Conduct Community Needs Assessment in all project locations by using tools such as village and household survey, one to one interview, questionnaires, focused group interview, public forum;
  • Conduct baseline study on water, hygiene and sanitation issues e.g., health risks within a particular village, the status of existing water sources, water handling and storage, common diseases, sanitation facilities at household and institutional levels, knowledge of HIV/AIDS education for the communities and local leaders;
  • Provide awareness on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) education to selected five schools;
  • Strengthen  capacity of existing Water User Associations (WUAs) and facilitate formation of new WUAs;
  • Design and supervise construction of water supply and sanitation facilities (VIP latrines) with  hand washing facilities in five high-need public schools;
  • Design and supervise construction of rain water collection units in five high-need public schools.