Location: : Newala, Masasi, Nanyumbu and Kilindi Districts
Name of Financier: Ministry of Water, Tanzania
Professional Staff provided by our Organization:Frank Njiku, Evody Ndumiwe
Start Date: November 2009 Completion date: Octeber 2010
Narrative Description of Project:
ENVICON staffs had the opportunity to experience working in association with a local NGO called the Relief to Development Society (REDESO) on performing facilitation services for rural water supply and sanitation services in selected villages in Newala, Masasi, Nanyumbu in Mtwara region and Kilindi districts in Tanga region. The project was under Water Sector Development Programme which was coordinated by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.
Services Provided by ENVICON:-
- Conduct community baseline survey related to water, sanitation and hygiene issues;
- Carry out community awareness campaign towards the selection of villages’ water and sanitation committees;
- Build capacity to Village Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) committees on planning, construction operation and sustainable management of water supply;
- Promote water hygiene and sanitation (WASH) awareness at communities including school and health facilities;
- Raise the awareness of an HIV/AIDS to the communities in order to prevent new HIV infections;
- Train communities on rain water harvesting technologies in order to reduce the water scarce problems.